Current Research Projects
- Establish genetic and genomic resources in banana and pineapple that can facilitate the development of new cultivars with improved important characteristics such as resistance to disease, accumulation of important metabolites, like carotenoid or dopamine in banana and bromelain in pineapple. In collaboration with Dole Nutrition Institute
- Sequencing the blueberry genome and developing breeding and genomic strategies to increase blueberry nutritional value.
- Establish the critical breeding needs for the cranberry and blueberry stakeholders (growers, nurseries and processing operations) in the US that will guide the future direction of cranberry and blueberry research. A multi-state project funded by USDA-NIFA.
- Improve the quality of the carrot genome assembly and gene model prediction and develop a carrot genomic database. A multi-state project funded by USDA-NIFA.
- Collaborative projects aiming to develop genomic resources for other crops including cranberry, spinach and cucumber.