
About | Collaborators | NewsIndustry Support | Survey | Planning Meeting | Project Summary

Project Director
Massimo Iorizzo, NC State University

Co-Project Directors
Hamid Ashrafi, NC State University
Nicholi Vorsa, Rutgers University

Key Personnel
Amaya Atucha, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Megan Bame, NC State University
Nahla Bassil, USDA-ARS, NCGR
William Cline, NC State University
Michael Dossett, BC Blueberry Council
Patrick Edger, Michigan State University
Karina Gallardo, Washington State University
Eric Hanson, Michigan State University
Kim Hummer, USDA-ARS, NCGR
Kathleen Kelsey, University of Georgia
Changying Li, University of Georgia
Mary Ann Lila, NC State University
James Olmstead, Driscoll’s
Penelope Perkins, NC State University
James Polashock, USDA-ARS, GIFVL
Cesar Rodriquez-Saona, Rutgers University
Robert Reid, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Lisa Rowland, USDA-ARS, GIFVL
Harald Scherm, University of Georgia
Bernadine Strik, Oregon State University
Juan Zalapa, University of Wisconsin-Madison