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The Vaccinium Initiative Survey period has now closed. The survey was available to blueberry and cranberry stakeholders (owner, manager or other employees of a farm, nursery, packing house or processor) or scientists that have responsibilities to develop, use and/or adopt new cranberry or blueberry varieties. We would like to thank all those who completed the survey. We look forward to analyzing the data and accessing the most pressing needs of the Vaccinium industry.
This research study is being done to get to know your primary concerns related to cranberry and blueberry production and performance of cranberry and blueberry varieties. Survey participants were asked to identify the most and the least important diseases and insect pests affecting their cranberry or blueberry crops; identify the most important fruit quality and plant genetic traits that would enhance the economic sustainability of their business; provide information about the size of their operation, years of experience in producing blueberries or cranberries, and location of the business. The data for this study will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by federal and state law. The results of this study may be published or presented at professional meetings, but the identities of all research participants will remain anonymous. The data for this study will be kept for 5 years. There will be no costs or any form of compensation to you for taking part in this study.
This study was approved for human subject participation by the Washington State University Institutional Review Board. If you have questions about this study or the information in this form, please contact the researchers K. Gallardo, and/or M. Iorizzo at